

Written on 02/13/2025
Stan Kruis

Scripture Reading — Psalm 68:1-6

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows. . . . God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing. . . .
— Psalm 68:5-6

“Welcome to the family; we’re glad that you have come to share your life with us as we grow in love. . . .”

During my first year in the Philippines, I often heard this song at the beginning or end of a worship service, as people in church would go around shaking hands and welcoming new people. I was single and a foreigner, and at times I felt lonely. I truly felt welcomed through the use of this song, and by the welcoming Filipino culture that excelled in hospitality and family ties.

Psalm 68 mentions some of God’s concerns for marginalized people—widows, orphans, the lonely, and prisoners. God often gave his people instructions about caring for such persons. And that made a big difference in people’s lives. Today’s marginalized and vulnerable people include immigrants, refugees, the homeless, international students, and more. God wants us to welcome everyone and help them in their need.

Welcoming people into our neighborhoods, churches, homes, and lives is one of the greatest ways to overcome barriers that can keep people at a distance from the gospel.

Who are the lonely people around you? How welcoming is your church toward strangers? Ask a first-time visitor for their feedback.

Lord, you’ve welcomed us into your family by your grace in Christ. Work in us to open our hearts, homes, and lives to strangers. Amen.

Written by: Stan Kruis

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