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Home Away From Home

“Home is where the heart is, and my heart is on this campus,” Shanaya James said.James is a sophomore at Calvin University from Islamabad, Pakistan. Like many international students, she decided to study at Calvin without ever visiting the school.Her reasons are ones commonly cited by other students

The World Belongs to God

“The world belongs to God, and the world is everything—including our professions and our callings,” said Mwikali Wambua, a Resonate Global Mission missionary.Resonate is the Christian Reformed Church’s mission agency. As Resonate missionaries, church planters, and campus ministers work to spread the

Global Voices, Shared Faith

Calvin Theological Seminary is blessed with a diverse community of over 300 students from more than 30 countries. This diversity enriches our community by bringing together a wide range of cultural backgrounds, experiences, and passions. Three current students—David Seunghwan Roh, Debbie Jin, and Ju

Your Labor Is Not in Vain

Cory Willson is no stranger to conversations about integrating worship and work. As professor of missiology, world Christianity, and public theology at Calvin Theological Seminary, Willson teaches, researches, and spearheads grant-funded programs and workshops all focusing on this very topic. His bo

Daring to Raise Twins

In Lisa See’s novel The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane, an early and defining moment of the story occurs when the main character assists her birth attendant mother with labor and delivery for a woman in their rural mountain village. But when healthy twins are born, there is no rejoicing. Instead, the

Faith Formation at Home and at Church: A Q&A with Jill Benson

Synod’s mandate to Thrive, the Christian Reformed Church’s congregational support agency, calls the agency to equip and encourage CRC congregations “to practice lifelong faith formation and missional discipleship from a Reformed perspective, across all ages and stages of life, with particular attent

Why a Denomination?

I had a good laugh recently when I learned that one of my teenagers was peppering her teacher with unwelcome “whys” about mathematical formulas and theorems. When worn down by their pupils’ questions, even the most patient pedagogues will eventually concede: “Because they are!” For a person like me,

Loan Fund Makes Collaborative Expansion Possible

Since 1983, the Christian Reformed Church’s Loan Fund has provided low-interest loans for church building improvements. In recent years, these loans have supported collaborative projects such as a renovation at Madison Church: South Hill (Grand Rapids, Mich.) that included space for a licensed early

Cultivating Prayer and Spiritual Discipline to Transform Lives

One of the five goals of the Christian Reformed Church’s Our Journey ministry plan is to “cultivate practices of prayer and spiritual discipline.”As individuals and congregations across the CRC work toward this milestone, they are renewing a commitment to prayer and spiritual practices that deepen o

Mission at a Chess Club

It’s Friday night at Casa Adobe, a ministry house in Costa Rica, and the loudest chess club ever is meeting.Resonate Global Mission missionary Micah Schuurman and his friend, José Mario, just explained how to checkmate with two bishops. As the kids start their games, birds chirp in the garden, a Ger

Calvin Theological Seminary Launches New Digital Resource

As Calvin Theological Seminary looks forward to its 150th anniversary celebration, it asked alumni and supporters, “What is important to your continued development and growth?”The response, said President Jul Medenblik, was an overwhelming desire for easier access to Reformed teaching and content th

Engineering Class Strives to Meet Sustainability Challenges

In Engineering 333 at Calvin University, students spend the entire semester answering a single question. For this semester’s class, that question is, “What should be the design of a Calvin Solar Farm?”Professor Matt Heun teaches Engineering 333 alongside physics professor Larry Molnar, structural en

The Big Question

Is God with us? This is perhaps the greatest question we face. It is often a question born out of our deepest pathos: at the bedside of our dying loved one, as the dust settles from an earthquake, or when we get a late-night call about a car accident.Some might ask whether God even exists. But for t

Pushing Back the Darkness

“The Bible presents God as the one who pushed back the darkness with this first light.”—Today devotional, Dec. 2, 2024Although much of the world is shadowed by fear, division, and uncertainty, the light of Jesus Christ offers a beacon of hope. During Advent, the Today devotionals offered by ReFrame

The Light of Knowledge

In Proverbs 4:13, Solomon pleads with his son to hold instruction firmly in his grip and not let go because “it is your life.” World Renew understands that learning can transform one’s life. In communities where World Renew works, limited or no access to opportunities to learn simple life skills or

Centering Justice in Food Security

Jodi Koeman recently had an opportunity to visit The Table, an organization in Denver, Colo., that is part of the food justice and community growing project Koeman oversees in her work as Church With Community mobilizer for World Renew.The food justice and community growing project is a grant progra

Seeds, Weeds, and Kingdom Vision

I’m both captivated and confused by Jesus’ parable of the mustard seed. “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field” (Matt. 13:31). Really, Jesus? Are you telling us that the sovereign rule of eternal God—spanning from before the creation of time to the e

Churches Serving Churches

Over nine days in July, a group of 14 volunteers from Almond Valley Christian Reformed Church in Ripon, Calif., caravanned 900 miles to the Navajo reservation in New Mexico to help a fellow CRC in need. The group blessed Crownpoint CRC by fixing windows, renovating a bathroom, and restoring water to

Harvests of Blessings Lead to Food Security

Food security means knowing where meals are coming from today and into the future. For families around the world who experience hunger, food security is a challenge. World Renew works to end hunger globally by offering opportunities to farmers and families to grow healthy food. Through training in c

Preparing for Retirement from Ministry

Thrive, the CRCNA’s congregational support ministry, recently compiled a guide to help those in pastoral ministry think about and prepare for retirement. What follows is an adapted excerpt from “Retirement from Pastoral Ministry: Guidance for a Healthy Transition,” which can be found at